1- The Internet Audio Publisher V2.0 2- Contacts 3- Using Internet Audio Publisher 3.1 Manual installation instructions 3.11 Problems related to BWCC.DLL (GP on startup) 3.2 File Manager 3.3 WWW Browser 4- Listening to real time Audio 5- Publishing streaming Audio on a WWW server 6- Licence and Distribution +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 -The Internet Audio Publisher V2.0 Multi-format streaming audio Publishing tool for Windows 3.x and Win95. -Play WAV, Sun/Next .AU, GSM6.10, US Robotics GSM (also Ms GSM and TrueSpeech unser Win95). -Play (Streaming) GSM6.10 and USR GSM (also Ms GSM and TrueSpeech under Win 95) in real time from any HTTP/1.0 (WWW) server on the Internet. -Stream Ms GSM audio file sampled at 8000, 11025, 22050 and 44100 Hz for unprecedented streaming audio quality on the net ! -Supports the TrueSpeech format and their metafile (.tsp) so that you can listen to all TrueSpeech programs on the net using IAP / DAP V2.0 ! - A recording function which support GSM6.10, USR GSM, Ms GSM @ 8, 11, 22 and 44 Khz, WAV and (Sun/Next) AU 8000 Hz "Mu" law. - A compressing / Expanding function to convert to and from GSM6.10 / USR GSM <-> WAV or AU - A FTP client to upload the audio file and create the meta file in a single operation ... The easiest way to publish quality streaming audio on the Net +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2- Contacts and Credits Noël Bouchard TELE DATA Consultants Montréal, Québec email: noelbou@cam.org WWW: http://www.cam.org/~noelbou IAP / DAP WWW Site: http://www.cam.org/~noelbou/gsm_wine.html Voice: (514) 527-1201 Fax: (514) 527-2657 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3 -Using Internet Audio Publisher 3.1 Manual Installation Instructions - Create a new directory and Download the IAP20.ZIP file. - Unzip the file in the created directory. - Run the SETUP.EXE utility (Win95 version) or Install.EXE (Windows 3.x version) OR - Move (not copy) the ctl3dv2.dll file in your system's \windows\system directory after having made sure that you are not replacing an earlier version of it. (In the case you had an earlier version of ctl3dv2.dll, keep this one, delete the one shipped with DAP) - Move BWCC.DLL to you \Windows directory. - Move the TCP4W.DLL file to your system's \windows\system directory - Move the FTP4W.DLL file to your system's \windows\system directory 3.11 Problems related to BWCC.DLL Some users have reported getting GP (general protection) errors on IAP and / or DAP startup. This problem is caused by the installation program which may fail to install BWCC.DLL (because an existing older copy of it is beeing used by other programs). If you get GP error on IAP / DAP startup please check your \Windows\ and/or \Windows\system directory for BWCC.DLL and make sure that it is not older than the one shipped with IAP. if you have an older copy replace it by the one shipped with IAP. This will not affect any other application that make use of this DLL since these are always backward compatible. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3.2 File Manager To have the file manager launch IAP when selecting a WAV, AU and GSM file: - Open Window's file manager. - Select File|Associate - File With Extension: WAV - Associate with: [path]\IAP.EXE - Do the same operations for AU and GSM extensions. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3.3 WWW Browser To have your internet browser launch IAP after a link to a GSM, GSD, WAV or AU file has been selected: - Add a new MIME Type definition for GSM6.10 in your WWW browser: audio/x-gsm - Set file extension for this type as gsm - Select DirAudio.EXE as the application launched when receiving audio/x-gsm media type. For Netscape: 1- Select Options|General Preferences|Helpers 2- Click on the "Create New Type" button. MIME TYPE: audio MIME SUBTYPE: x-gsm 3-Set File Extension as: gsm,gsd 4- Select the "Launch Application" radio button. 5- Enter the pathname of IAP.EXE Example: c:\diraudio\iap.exe 6- Press the "OK" button. Repeat the same procedure for TrueSpeech WAV Edit existing application/dsptype type or Click on the "Create New Type" button. MIME TYPE: application MIME SUBTYPE: dsptype Set File Extension as: tsp Same as step 4 to 6 above. Repeat the same procedure for WAV Edit existing audio/x-wav type or Click on the "Create New Type" button. MIME TYPE: audio MIME SUBTYPE: x-wav Set File Extension as: wav Same as step 4 to 6 above. Repeat the same procedure for WAV Edit existing audio/x-wav type or Click on the "Create New Type" button. MIME TYPE: audio MIME SUBTYPE: x-wav Set File Extension as: wav Same as step 4 to 6 above. Repeat the same procedure for .AU Edit existing audio/basic type or Click on the "Create New Type" button. MIME TYPE: audio MIME SUBTYPE: basic Set File Extension as: au,snd Same as step 4 to 6 above. Note: The helper application definition for audio/basic is usually occupied by Netscape's audio player app. NAPLAYER.EXE. In this case all you need to do is to edit that entry. Just select the "Browse" button and select IAP.EXE. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4- Listening to real time Audio There are two methods to access a GSM / WAV file from a HTTP (WWW) server: First, by selecting the File|Open Location option on the main menu and entering the full URL of the file you wish to fetch. For instance: http://www.cam.org/~noelbou/ex1.gsm will fetch the example from my WWW site on my service provider's WWW server. (you can use your browser's Copy Location function (Right click on the link) and then paste it in IAP Open Location's dialog box by using ). Second, by clicking on a link to a "description file" on a WWW page. For instance: EX1.GSD will fetch the description file named ex1.GSD on my WWW site. IAP will be spawned by your WWW browser and the file will instruct the player on which GSM file to fetch from the net. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 5- Publishing streaming Audio on a WWW server Publishing your audio files on the net is very simple. Here's the procedure. 1- Create your GSM6.10 / Ms GSM file by using the recording function of IAP or using Windows 95 sound recorder(Start | Programs | Multimedia | Sound Recorder). (Make sure the Ms GSM codec have been installed.) You can also create a GSM6.10 file by using the IAP's Compress function: Start by openning a 8000 Hz 16 bits PCM (WAV) file or from an 8000 Hz 8bits "Mu-Law" encoded file (.AU).(Sun/Next) and use the Compress command. 2- Use IAP's Send File function to upload the file and description file to your WWW site. 3- Create a link to your description file in an HTML page. The link would be defined as something like: Listen Or follow the following procedure: 2a- Create a "Description File" with extension .GSD. This is a simple ASCII text file which contains a reference to the .GSM file that you want to give access to. The Description File or meta file should have the following form: IAP_URL|protocol://host[:port]/path/filename Where: IAP_URL| is a fixed string used for identification. The | (vertical bar) character is the delimiter. This will be used in future versions for play lists and WWW site audio index. protocol is for now fixed to: http host is the host where the file is located. port is the optional port (default to 80. Used only when the HTTP server use a different port) path is the path to the file on the given host filename is the GSM6.10, Ms GSM or TrueSpeech file name (with extension .GSM / WAV) For instance: IAP_URL|http://www.cam.org/~noelbou/ex1.gsm or IAP_URL|http://ihs2.unn.ac.uk:8080/~ihbb1/hal.gsm IAP_URL|http://www.atlas.co.uk/omni/113/30s_22khzgsm.wav Note that the referenced (.GSM) file may reside on any WWW server on the Internet. 2b- Upload the .GSD (and .GSM) file(s) to your WWW site and make sure the .GSM file that is referenced in your description file is available on the Net. Setting up your HTTP server The HTTP (WWW) server must be set up to accept the GSM, GSD and optionaly, TSP file types (Extension: .GSM,.GSD and .TSP). This is done by adding new MIME type definitions to the server (usually in a configuration file). The new MIME types to add are: TYPE/SUB-TYPE EXTENSIONS audio/x-gsm gsm, gsd (For GSM6.10 files) audio/x-wav wav (For Ms GSM (WIN 95)) application/dsptype tsp (For True Speech) The procedure to add a new MIME type varies from one server to another but is quite straightforward and should not cause any major headaches to your server maintenance peoples or your service provider. Check at: http://www.cam.org/~noelbou/gsm_wine.html and http://www.cam.org/~noelbou/gsmlinks.html http://www.cam.org/~noelbou/newlinks.html for other explanations and examples. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 6- Licence and Distribution Distribution This shareware software may be freely distributed, provided that: (1) Such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by TELE DATA Consultants You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive. (2) The distrubution does not include a registration number. In particular, you may not distrubute a registered version of Internet Audio Publisher. (3) No money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead. Licence This agreement is a binding legal agreement between TELE DATA Consultants and the purchasers, users or evaluators. If you do not intend to honor this agreement, remove all installed TELE DATA Consultants software from your computer now. Evaluation (Unregistered) and Registered User Agreement You may evaluate the Shareware program for maximum of thirty calendar days, after which you must register the program with TELE DATA Consultants or remove the software from your computer. You may allow other users to evaluate copies of the unregistered Shareware. All evaluation users are subject to the terms of this agreement. The evaluator/user/buyer/owner is not allowed to attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile TELE DATA Consultants Software and products. All parts of TELE DATA Consultants software and products are copyright protected. No program, code, part, image, audio sample or text or may be copied or used in any way by the user except as intended within the bounds of the single user program. The evaluator/user/buyer/owner of TELE DATA Consultants software will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend TELE DATA Consultants against lawsuits, claims, costs associated with defense or accusations that result from the use of TELE DATA Consultants software. TELE DATA Consultants is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including loss of information, interruption of business, personal injury and/or any damage or consequential damage without limitation, incurred before, during or after the use of our products. Our entire liability, without exception, is limited to the customers' reimbursement of the purchase price of the software (maximum being the suggested retail price as listed by TELE DATA Consultants) in exchange for the return of the product, all copies, registration papers and manuals, and all materials that constitute a transfer of ownership from the customer back to TELE DATA Consultants. Each registered copy of the TELE DATA Consultants software may be used in only one single location by one user. Use of the software means that you have loaded the program and run it or have installed the program onto a computer. If you install the software onto a multi-user platform or network, each and every individual user of the software must be registered separately. You may make one copy of the registered software for backup purposes, providing you only have one copy installed on one computer being used by one person. If any person other than yourself uses TELE DATA Consultants' software registered in your name, regardless of whether it is at the same time or different times, then this agreement is being violated! The sale of and or distribution of registered copies of this software is strictly forbidden. It is a violation of this agreement to loan, rent, lease, borrow, or transfer the use of registered copies of TELE DATA Consultants products.